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Ravenous (1999)

Horror | 101 minutes
3,12 413 votes

Genre: Horror / Drama

Duration: 101 minuten

Country: United States / United Kingdom / Czech Republic

Directed by: Antonia Bird

Stars: Guy Pearce, Robert Carlyle and David Arquette

IMDb score: 6,9 (44.517)

Releasedate: 1 January 1999

Ravenous plot

"You Are Who You Eat."

During the Mexican-American war, Lieutenant John Boyd is promoted away to an abandoned military post in California, where the other soldiers present all have one or more screws loose. One evening, the motley crew is startled by the numb vagabond Colqhoun, who tells them a horrifying story.

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Sergio Leone

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Fairly original movie, this Ravenous. I hadn't read anything beforehand, so that helps too. In any case, it is a self-conscious film that manages to mix a few genres into something refreshing. It's not all that nice. Every now and then the film looks a tad cheap - on the other hand, that might just be its strength.

Robert Carlyle stars in a role that is tailor-made for him. That's actually a great actor. The rest of the cast is at least as well known, but exchangeable sooner. The film focuses more on atmosphere, then acting jumps out a little less. The horror scenes could have been a little more horror for me. It all looks pretty nice.


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