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Killer's Kiss (1955)

Filmnoir | 67 minutes
3,11 323 votes

Genre: Filmnoir

Duration: 67 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Stanley Kubrick

Stars: Frank Silvera, Jamie Smith and Irene Kane

IMDb score: 6,5 (26.741)

Releasedate: 1 October 1955

Killer's Kiss plot

"Her Soft Mouth Was The Road To Sin-Smeared Violence!"

Boxer Davy Gordon steps in when dancer Gloria Price is attacked by her boss and lover Vincent Rapallo. Davy and Gloria develop a relationship, something that Rapallo is very fond of, so much so that he orders Davy to be killed. However, a friend of Davy's is the one who is killed, and Davy and Gloria decide to flee to stay out of Rapallo's hands forever.

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  • 1391 messages
  • 262 votes

With Killer's Kiss, the Kubrick box containing The Killing and Paths of Glory is completed.

a lot less than the other two, that's for sure. Kubrick was still at the beginning of his career and we don't blame him for that because the film looks better than most films from those years. The previously mentioned shots of Manhattan, the car chase... all very skillfully shot, just like his other two movies mentioned above. A joy to watch. But unfortunately all the positive has been said the film doesn't get any further than those beautiful shots : here I didn't suffer from overacting which was in other films but in Killer's Kiss the acting is very mediocre.

Nice story but because of the short duration you can't get everything out of such a plot; because of the lengthy start you don't have time anymore to work out the end and so well, so there are only a few exciting scenes at the end. The love theme is repeated too often: the first time it is beautiful but the more you hear it the more it sounds annoying... otherwise there is not too much chatter but the few dialogues are so meaningless and ordinary, not expected from Kubrick!

Started out pretty casual and you only start looking with interest 15 minutes before it ends. The chases look nice but they get so terribly long! just like the scenes with the dolls:

very nice to have a fight between all those mannequins, but then it shouldn't take 10 minutes, huh. Installation wasn't too good either...

somewhat disappointing Kubrick who mainly has to rely on the very nice camera movements and locations.

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Pretty classic film noir, which you wouldn't immediately attribute to Kubrick. Quite neatly captured for a novice director and sometimes also provided with clever camera work. The crime/romance story is nothing special but quite well developed. In addition to directing and photography, Kubrick also had control over the editing. Killer's Kiss is therefore the "rise of a master". Released 4K UHD at Kino Lorber last week.

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Mixed affair. As the film progresses you have the feeling that there is 'an artist at work', in this case Stanley Kubrick who was responsible for directing, photography and production. It's a low budget B-movie but it's really beautifully portrayed as if it were the best film noir. The story also contains interesting things for those who pay attention, such as the linking of affection/sex to violence. Oh yeah Kubrick was also responsible for the script. Yet it doesn't really stick. Which for me has to do with actors who don't seem so involved. They may even be overshadowed by the director's visual achievements. Even the voice over is not convincing to me. Often that is a deep male voice, but now it comes across as shrill. Another minus is the use of the music. The composer not known to me is prominently credited but I think the music is too present and not always captivating - or even faint. On the one hand, sweet schmaltz, on the other hand, there is also some more catchy Latino stuff, but that also seems a bit out of place to me. Music has the power to give a movie something extra or to crack it. In this case, it tends more towards the negative.

Overall, an undeniably fascinating viewing experience. For the sake of the purely visual, I also arrive at a fairly high score.

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