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Three Thousand Years of Longing (2022)

Fantasy | 108 minutes
2,98 200 votes

Genre: Fantasy / Drama

Duration: 108 minuten

Country: Australia / United States

Directed by: George Miller

Stars: Idris Elba, Tilda Swinton and Pia Thunderbolt

IMDb score: 6,7 (64.902)

Releasedate: 24 August 2022

Three Thousand Years of Longing plot

"What would you wish for?"

Lonely and bitter British Alithea Binnie is traveling in Istanbul when she stumbles upon an old bottle. She frees a jinn who grants her three wishes. Her indifference prevents her from expressing a wish. They keep each other company to pass the time.

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  • 6251 messages
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A bit of a weird film, half failed and half intriguing. The main problem is that the plot doesn't really get off the ground and the characters remain too abstract. The flashbacks are also a lot more interesting than the main storyline. In any case, it is not the beautiful design and the first-class special effects.

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It is original. Aladdin is probably the closest. You are never on the edge of your seat, but the story is not too bad. Tilda Swinton has always been a bit of a special actress, I don't think I like her choice of films. Snowpiercer, Okja, Suspiria, there are undoubtedly more. All unsatisfactory I think. This one was not too bad for me, but it didn't really appeal to me. Idris Elba is not exactly the film where you expect to encounter him. He was good as a jinn. Those mouth masks in the halls well, people might look strange in the future when they see them.

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Alithea [Tilda Swinton], a scientist researching the history of storytelling and storytelling techniques, is at a conference in Istanbul when she buys the Nightingale's Eye in a Turkish bazaar, which turns out to contain a Djinn [Idris Elba] who has been sent by Alithea. can be freed if he can grant her three most ardent wishes. Through a number of flashbacks we discover how it is possible that the Djinn is still in the bottle after 2,500 years and an intellectual war of words ensues. Miller's visual style comes in very handy in the flashbacks, but by omitting dialogue in favor of Elba's narration, the viewer is kept a bit too far at a distance. Swinton and Idris Elba are excellent.

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