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Die Unendliche Geschichte (1984)

Fantasy | 102 minutes / 94 minutes (internationale versie)
3,49 1.354 votes

Genre: Fantasy / Adventure

Duration: 102 minuten / 94 minuten (internationale versie)

Alternative titles: The NeverEnding Story / Het Oneindige Verhaal

Country: West Germany / United States

Directed by: Wolfgang Petersen

Stars: Barret Oliver, Thomas Hill and Noah Hathaway

IMDb score: 7,3 (161.342)

Releasedate: 5 April 1984

Die Unendliche Geschichte plot

"A boy who needs a friend finds a world that needs a hero in a land beyond imagination!"

Bastian is always bullied at school. One day, when this happens again, he flees to a bookshop. When the old owner gets a phone call, he takes the book with him and leaves a note saying he will return it. He reads in the old book, The Neverending Story, about the boy who can save the fantasy realm of Fantasia from evil forces. However, his fantasy and reality start to intertwine.

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Ebenezer Scrooge

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The boy Bastian, like Sarah from Labyrinth, lost his mother at a young age and like Sarah, he finds himself through a magical book in another world, not in a maze but in a world called 'Fantasia', a world threatened by 'The nothing'. Beautifully designed film, the sets are grand and impressive, the many characters unforgettable. It is often a gloomy film, dark, so it can be a bit too scary for small children. A sad movie too.

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avatar van Melksnor


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The ultimate children's film of my time. I leave the 4.5 also to the eye of then. Great music, with a smile and a tear.. great experience. And that without computer animation, great film for the time.

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More beautiful than some other fantasy films from that period and a metaphor for the human imagination emerges a bit later in the film. The story itself is not that special and dutifully follows the well-known Tolkien template, but the design is nice, and this with non-digital means. Of course you can easily label it dated : with a bit of bad will you can call anything older than 20 years dated, but that would do the creative vision of the time injustice. It is easy to sit out and is suitable entertainment for children. The dragon is especially funny. PS / I think it's a terrible poster that's here

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