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Freaky Friday (1976)

Family | 95 minutes
2,77 86 votes

Genre: Family / Comedy

Duration: 95 minuten

Alternative title: Dolle Dwaze Vrijdag

Country: United States

Directed by: Gary Nelson

Stars: Jodie Foster, Barbara Harris and John Astin

IMDb score: 6,3 (14.530)

Releasedate: 17 December 1976

Freaky Friday plot

"Annabel and her Mother are not quite themselves today - in fact, they're each other!"

14-year-old Annabel thinks her mother is very meddlesome, while she is annoyed by her messy daughter. They both think the other has an easy life. When one day they both think to trade for a day, this wish comes true to their horror. They are trapped in each other's bodies and are forced to get through the day.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Annabel Andrews

Ellen Andrews

Bill Andrews

Mrs Schmauss

Harold Jennings

Opposing Coach

Coach Betsy

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