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We Need to Talk about Kevin (2011)

Drama | 112 minutes
3,54 1.381 votes

Genre: Drama / Thriller

Duration: 112 minuten

Country: United Kingdom / United States / Spain

Directed by: Lynne Ramsay

Stars: Tilda Swinton, Ezra Miller and John C. Reilly

IMDb score: 7,4 (173.148)

Releasedate: 28 September 2011

We Need to Talk about Kevin plot

When Kevin was born, Eva put her professional life and personal ambitions on the back burner. Communication between mother and son is difficult. On the eve of his 16th birthday, Kevin commits an irreparable act. Eva tries to find out if she's responsible for it. We Need to Talk about Kevin is a mother's poignant quest to answer the question of whether her child's character is innate or acquired.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Eva Khatchadourian

Kevin Khatchadourian, Teenager

Franklin Khatchadourian

Kevin Khatchadourian, 6-8 Years

Kevin Khatchadourian, Toddler

Celia Khatchadourian

Smash Lady

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Fisico (moderator films)

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Strong gripping film that may give you the creeps as a future parent. That there is clearly something socially biologically wrong with Kevin is clear here. The upbringing has not helped much, because it seemed to me that despite everything, Eve continued to impose the angelic patience and motherly love in order to optimize the relationship with her son.

Very clever portrayal of Tilda Swinton as a distraught mother. The despair and pain are often visible on the face. Ezra Miller also does a great job and convinces in his role, just like the other younger versions of Kevin. Creepy even at times. Reilly is always a joy to watch. Top actor too!

What I did miss in the film was the lack of help and support. Eva was all alone with her problem and she had no one to turn to. Kevin's condition seems a bit too stereotypical, too easily created from a cinematic standpoint. No medical examinations, no therapy or psychologists, no disturbing messages from the school, etc... And despite the fact that her husband is a benevolent idealist, few discussions or conclusions came from there either.

The staring, scathing looks of the environment after the event also seem too strong to me. Eva is seen as the person responsible. The jaw blow was therefore far over it, although I understand that you may be avoiding the immediate environment. It's a shame, but otherwise more than a great film with a nice build-up to the climax that you know is coming anyway.

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john mcclane 2

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“THE point is: there's no point”

Star up your score . This is a masterpiece. The fate and the pain and the tragedy that Eva has to endure got under my skin. The storytelling by starting with the end is striking.

At first I saw Kevin very black and white. The question is a person born bad was not an open question and left nothing in the middle, it seemed.

This second time I experienced it completely different . Which is a sign that it is a very good movie .

There are indeed signs on the wall , was a therapist a solution ? Was conception ( very philosophically ) a sign .

But in the end I come to the same conclusion. Kevin is evil . But where it is different now , circumstances have an influence ( yes ) . Had he encountered an inspiring teacher or friend, what then?

And if so , is it Partial happiness that your child is not too molded by those circumstances ?

I also want to conclude that it is a depressing film . Lead heavy.

And now that I've seen it a second time, I'm also (not often with masterpieces) done with Kevin and this movie.

Kevin's act has never been portrayed so strikingly and depressingly no matter how hard gus van sants elephant tried.

4 *

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What are you supposed to do with this movie? I had read the book first and then of course you can easily follow and experience the visual impulses. But if you - like my wife - unknowingly step into this film, the first part is especially confusing and difficult to follow.

How are you supposed to quote this? We need to talk about Kevin is a beautiful story, what can happen if a mother doesn't like her son? In the book, even more than in the movie, you clearly get the feeling that you are looking through the mother's eyes. The perception that a baby is already bad from the crib can easily be felt as the feeling of postpartum depression. For example, my wife told me she was happy that I chased her out pretty soon after giving birth. This gave her new impulses and she did not stay locked up at home with a crying baby. But this will all be plus points for author Lionel Shriver, not for the filmmaker.

The acting performances make up for a lot, although Reilly is not really feeling well. I also like that the film, made for a larger crowd than a book anyway, stays close to the original. So you get no explanation why Kevin only leaves the mother alive. Beautifully worded with the phrase: You know, I thought I knew. If Kevin doesn't already know, how is the author/director supposed to know? Perhaps that was his ultimate revenge on his mother, letting her live on with the suffering.

Somehow on BM this gets a 5 *, unfortunately I'll stick to 3.5 * here.

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