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The Browning Version (1951)

Drama | 90 minutes
3,70 45 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 90 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: Anthony Asquith

Stars: Michael Redgrave, Jean Kent and Nigel Patrick

IMDb score: 8,0 (5.618)

Releasedate: 6 April 1951


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


The Browning Version plot

"How could he look on and say nothing ... it was his wife!"

Andrew Crocker-Harris has to give up his job as a teacher after years without appreciation due to his health. His marriage is under strain as his wife is openly having an affair with another teacher. Just before his departure, one student manages to penetrate Andrew's reserved exterior.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Andrew Crocker-Harris

Millie Crocker-Harris

Frank Hunter

Lord Baxter

Mrs. Williamson

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  • 8074 messages
  • 8295 votes

Nothing but admiration for this film.

"They aren't made like that anymore" ...... Of course they are, but the atmosphere, the image of the time, the white-black, the class that radiates make it one of a kind.

A credible story, clever psychological analysis, fine dialogues, but above all the wonderful acting adorn this film, which can be admired on youtube, provided you have a little knowledge of English.

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  • 3489 messages
  • 6761 votes

Not for a moment do you think that this character will come out of his cold shell (although you hope so).

Redgrave plays a very strong role in which you as a viewer initially feel contempt for it, but that changes

Gradually in pity, it almost seems as if the character Snape from the Potter series is a bit copied from this.

Jean also has a strong role as his wife.

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