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Something New (2006)

Drama | 99 minutes
3,06 208 votes

Genre: Drama / Romance

Duration: 99 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Sanaa Hamri

Stars: Sanaa Lathan, Simon Baker and Alfre Woodard

IMDb score: 6,6 (15.296)

Releasedate: 29 January 2006

Something New plot

"A romantic comedy with a whole lot of drama."

Kenya is a real career woman who envisions her whole life. She has a checklist to find her perfect man, but when she meets Brian one day, she finds out that she is slowly but surely falling in love with him. Brian doesn't look anything like the man on her checklist though...

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What a movie. Normally I can appreciate a chick-flick, and sometimes the humor is also manageable (I'm a boy ) but this movie didn't get to me. I found the film quite superficial and impersonal, also the characters, even Kenya, I found boring and very written and little acted. The message was very clear, and I have nothing against that, but I didn't think it was very high-quality either. I mean, it's good to map discrimination and racism in a light way, but the whole problem was not properly mapped. It was all just a bit too literal. Maybe I take this film too seriously, for which it may not be intended: but I thought the atmosphere came across as quite serious: which makes it so difficult to appreciate. Certainly not a bad film, every now and then a smile on my face and Sanaa sometimes had a few nice moments. Not quite my thing: 2 stars

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Nice film about a reserved, successful black woman who has trouble finding the right man. A romcom with a predictable course that focuses more on the 'rom' part. A film that shows that an interracial relationship in 2006 still does not go smoothly.

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A separate romantic film .. actually predictable but also with moments when I thought it would not have a happy ending .. actually a form of Cinderella but different ..

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