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Something's Gotta Give (2003)

Comedy | 128 minutes
3,11 946 votes

Genre: Comedy / Romance

Duration: 128 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Nancy Meyers

Stars: Jack Nicholson, Diane Keaton and Keanu Reeves

IMDb score: 6,7 (131.757)

Releasedate: 12 December 2003

Something's Gotta Give plot

"Schmucks are people too."

Harry Langer has a successful job in the music business and generally has relationships with somewhat younger women. When he visits his newest girlfriend's mother in the Hamptons, he has a heart attack. Since his girlfriend is in town, he has to rely on the mother (Erica) and his doctor. It soon becomes apparent that both he and the doctor have feelings for Erica.

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  • 11691 messages
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Romcom for once not targeting teens and twenties, but an old crowd and Jack Nicholson is totally at ease in this amusing snack as he plays himself, a charming old buck

Harry Sanborn (Jack Nicholson), 63, is an incorrigible womanizer with a preference for women who could have been his daughter. He thoroughly enjoys all those young leaves, until he and his newest flame Marin (Amanda Peet) are almost caught by Marin's mother Erica Barry (Diane Keaton) in a weekend house. And guess what, Harry suddenly falls for this older woman. Erica is basically everything he doesn't want, which is mother, in her fifties and no longer interested in men.

Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton put down strong performances in this expertly directed rom-com by director Nancy Meyers (known for the entertaining Comedy / Romance film "What Women Want ( 2000)", which relies more on flawless interplay than on a sparkling story. It's also nice to see that Keanu Reeves and Frances McDormand also have a role in the story.

All in all, a fun and entertaining Comedy/Romance film to watch, especially because of the fun and good acting by Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton.

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“How great is it for you that I am not intimidated by your brilliance?”

Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson show how it's done once again. Something's Gotta Give is not a very special film and will not really stay with you, but the acting of these old hands makes sure that it all looks good. With humor and some touching moments, and nice supporting roles by Keanu Reeves, McDormand, Amanda Peet and Favreau.

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A feel-good film pur sang in which the chemistry between the two main characters, Nicholson and Keaton, is the strongest point. Nicholson pulls out all the stops here again. A joy to watch. Keaton is such a lovely mother hen who keeps showing up in such gooey, corny movies where family ties and emotional states are the main subject. And yet she radiates something sensual. It's not for nothing that such a young boy like Keanu Reeves falls for her (or is a mother complex the cause?). But there are also negatives that prevent it from getting a perfect score. First of all, the duration could have been a bit shorter in my opinion. At times it felt a bit exaggerated (like Keaton's long bleit scene). And the closing chord was a bit too cliché and parked this movie among all the other mediocre rom-coms. It is thanks to the wonderful cast that this film still rises a little above mediocrity


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