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Shop Angel (1932)

Drama | 67 minutes / 71 minutes (edit)
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Genre: Drama / Romance

Duration: 67 minuten / 71 minuten (edit)

Country: United States

Directed by: E. Mason Hopper

Stars: Marion Shilling, Holmes Herbert and Anthony Bushell

IMDb score: 6,0 (10)

Releasedate: 19 March 1932


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Shop Angel plot

Aspiring designer Dorothy Hayes seizes every opportunity to break into the fashion world. That includes wearing one of her lingerie creations to a decadent party thrown by the biggest names in the industry. She inevitably catches the eye of millionaire clothing magnate James Walton Kennedy, who invites her to his palatial Long Island estate. Kennedy, who has had too much to drink, crashes his car. The two are unharmed, but the press reports on the wealthy man's affair with a young girl. Humiliated, Dorothy resigns herself to never fulfilling her dream—until she meets Larry Pemberton, Kennedy's former son-in-law. He is interested in her, both professionally and romantically, but having been disappointed too many times, Dorothy may not be willing to take a chance.

Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Dorothy Hayes

James Walton Kennedy

Larry Pemberton

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