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Prozac Nation (2001)

Drama | 99 minutes
3,01 222 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 99 minuten

Country: United States / Germany

Directed by: Erik Skjoldbjærg

Stars: Christina Ricci, Michelle Williams and Jason Biggs

IMDb score: 6,2 (19.531)

Releasedate: 8 September 2001

Prozac Nation plot

"Where do you go when you've gone too far?"

19-year-old Elizabeth leaves her parental home to study at Harvard, because she wants to become a writer. She's doing well: her work is appreciated, Rolling Stone hires her as a freelancer, and she even meets Lou Reed. She also makes friends and has a boyfriend. Then she becomes depressed, and her life changes completely...

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The film starts in the same atmosphere as Lost and Delirious (with even a similar soundtrack), but where that film does everything right, Prozac Nation does a lot wrong.

The beginning is very strong, but slowly everything gets bogged down in the typical TV drama, with especially very bad scenes between mother and daughter. Both father, mother and grandmother are terribly poorly cast, and the longer the film goes on, the more this goes to the head of the film (even despite a good Christina Ricci).

It's a shame that the film doesn't live up to its promise from the beginning. 2*

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Very nice how Lizzy was able to put her thoughts into words. Christina Ricci played very well. The one who played the part of the mother was also good.

I do miss something at the end. She's doing really bad and suddenly she's getting better. You also do not see how she now viewed certain relationships and whether she has managed to heal these relationships. I missed that a bit. But still *4

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Seen it once or twice before, and that made quite an impression even then. Christina Ricci does play her part very well - although that still makes it quite difficult to put yourself in her character's situation. Then the text she speaks in the voice over does provide some handles, but I doubt a little if someone uninitiated will pick it up. The whole world of therapists, psychological hospitals and patients remains rather obscure and inaccessible after all.

This also makes the story perhaps a bit too inaccessible, but quite fragile. But, because of the many awards that the film has received, I might think that many people have understood the message well, and have also been able to appreciate the performance of Ricci in particular. Because as far as I'm concerned it deserves just about every price imaginable.

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