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Playing by Heart (1998)

Drama | 121 minutes
3,20 105 votes

Genre: Drama / Romance

Duration: 121 minuten

Country: United Kingdom / United States

Directed by: Willard Carroll

Stars: Angelina Jolie, Sean Connery and Gena Rowlands

IMDb score: 6,9 (20.617)

Releasedate: 30 December 1998

Playing by Heart plot

"If romance is a mystery, there's only one way to figure it out."

Eleven connected people work in Los Angeles. Paul produces Hannah's cooking show and they get into a big fight when she asks about an affair he's having. Mark is dying of AIDS and his mother comes to him to talk about the truth. Men have hurt Meredith in the past, so she rejects Trent's charms, but he persists. Joan tries to hit on Keenan. A couple meet for sex, but she doesn't want a steady relationship. Hugh tells tragic stories to women in bars. At the end of the week, these parallel stories come together.

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