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Beyond Borders (2003)

Drama | 127 minutes
3,38 493 votes

Genre: Drama / War

Duration: 127 minuten

Country: United States / Germany

Directed by: Martin Campbell

Stars: Angelina Jolie, Clive Owen and Yorick van Wageningen

IMDb score: 6,4 (29.301)

Releasedate: 23 October 2003


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Beyond Borders plot

"Where hope survives."

Sarah Jordan has been married to Henry Beauford for years when she met doctor Nick Callahan during the war in Africa. This acquaintance is the beginning of romance that leads to an unknown land full of danger and surprises.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Sarah Jordan

Nick Callahan

Charlotte Jordan

Henry Bauford

Elliott Hauser

Lawrence Bauford

Master of Ceremonies

Mrs. Bauford

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K. V.

  • 4211 messages
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I expected something different, because the box said "a romantic adventure film", but this was not really it , this was really drama.

The movie wasn't bad, but it wasn't really wow either. He laps a little further without getting really exciting. Fortunately, the second hour the film gets a bit better and makes up for the ending.

The images are very realistic (thin children, poverty, ...) and the cast also does a very good job.

Not really a relaxing film, but a fairly heavy drama.

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I thought the movie was okay, but not a high-flyer. I was annoyed by Angelina Jolie in some way, I didn't find her very credible. In addition, I really missed some depth and I thought it went too fast. First she was still in Cambodia, then she was suddenly in London again with a child. I thought those jumps in time were so weird. Yes, of course it remains a film and everything is possible in it, but I did not enjoy watching this. Each event passed quickly.

Maybe I'm a bit spoiled by The Constant Gardener. That is of course a slightly different story but really 100x better. Beyond Borders is nowhere near that.

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It is very American to immerse a kind of "Doctors without Borders" story in a romantic drama. Nevertheless, it is an interesting and confrontational film about the atrocities in war zones. It seems to me that Angelina Jolie must have felt like a fish in water, given her involvement as UNHCR ambassador on this issue.

Without the romantic sauce, I think the film would have a much greater impact.

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