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Petaru Dansu (2013)

Drama | 90 minutes
3,69 78 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 90 minuten

Alternative titles: Pedal Dance / Petal Dance / ペタル ダンス

Country: Japan

Directed by: Hiroshi Ishikawa

Stars: Aoi Miyazaki, Sakura Ando and Kazue Fukiishi

IMDb score: 6,7 (435)

Releasedate: 19 April 2013


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Petaru Dansu plot

Jinko (Miyazaki) and Motoko (Ando) are two women who have been friends since college. They hear a rumor that their friend Miki (Fukiishi), who lives in northern Japan, jumped into the ocean to kill herself. The two embark on a journey to see her. During the journey, they meet another woman (Kutsuna), who eventually joins them.

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My second Ishikawa. Although I thought Su-ki-da was a nice film without becoming overly enthusiastic, I can't say the same about Petal dance. After half an hour I stopped the movie out of boredom to first read some responses from this forum. They promised improvements here and there for the rest of the film, but unfortunately ... the gray line from the beginning is simply continued.

It is a gray film with four gray young women about whom we know nothing at the beginning and are none the wiser at the end. No story, no character development, little dialogue, lots of giggling. In my opinion, the cinematography much praised in this forum hardly exceeds the holiday recordings of a more experienced member of the local video club, provided that the right locations were available for him or her. The minimalist soundtrack doesn't add much either.

In short, a boring film that is about nothing and does not appeal to the imagination in terms of shots. A bit of a waste of my time.

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mjk87 (moderator films)

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The song I Want You (She's So Heavy) by The Beatles lasts almost 8 minutes and in the last few minutes there is a repetitive riff like a mantra that almost puts you in a trance. Until it suddenly stops when side A of the LP is finished. This movie made me think of that. Not that you fall into a trance, but that you slip wonderfully into the film and come out abruptly at the end because the film suddenly stops: I really loved this film.

It takes about 20 minutes before you really get into it, that first part is good but not very special, but once the women start their journey, you as a viewer go along with them. It is mainly the rhythm and the calm tone that allow him to deliver beautifully understated acting that feels much more believable than grotesque crying scenes. You also have the feeling that you are dealing with normal people who happen to have one in their midst who was not doing so well. Nothing is explained, but gradually you find out what was going on. This is not a film of grand gestures or one that relies on a huge plot. No, just a portrait of people who visit each other because you, as a human being, need that every now and then. And as a viewer I just need that every now and then, a film like that.

Beautifully shot too. The colors seem to have completely disappeared with only very light, fresh shades of gray, blue and brown. That makes the film not depressing but extremely soft, just like the sounds that have been suppressed somewhat. Furthermore, beautiful image compositions; every shot seems thought through. And you also get to look at 4 attractive young women. 4.5*.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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Beautiful slow poetic film that moves along quietly. It is also difficult for me to pinpoint what exactly makes the film successful for me. It may be a combination of a bit of everything: visual, thematic, the tranquility, how it was depicted.

A film with a minimalist style in which different things emerge extra powerfully and manage to touch you. A less is more principle. It is rather a feeling that you experience during the film, but something that I am less able to describe.

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