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Morte a Venezia (1971)

Drama | 130 minutes
3,51 415 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 130 minuten

Alternative titles: Death in Venice / Dood in Venetië

Country: Italy / France

Directed by: Luchino Visconti

Stars: Dirk Bogarde, Björn Andrésen and Mark Burns

IMDb score: 7,3 (23.705)

Releasedate: 2 March 1971

Morte a Venezia plot

"The celebrated story of a man obsessed with ideal beauty."

During his vacation, an elderly composer discovers in a young Polish tourist the beauty he has pursued in vain in art and life. The boy, watched alone from a distance, becomes an obsession, keeping him in Venice despite the knowledge of an impending plague epidemic.

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Full Cast & Crew

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Gustav von Aschenbach

Hotel Manager

Tadzio's Governess

Aschenbach's Wife

Esmeralda, Brothel Prostitute

Tadzio's Mother

Travel Agent

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Film Pegasus (moderator films)

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See Venice and die. It doesn't always have to be Rome. The film is above all a beautiful film. I do like these kinds of films that are worked out in detail and are also quite interesting cinematically. You look at a separate world that is quite convincing. But that's not enough. Certainly not in this kind of drama, where story and acting also play an important role. And Dirk Bogarde is somewhat disappointed in this. It remains quite distant and takes way too long to get into the film. Fortunately, it gets better over time. It's a shame, because you can see that time and energy has been put into this. But unfortunately it doesn't really grab...

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avatar van Sir Djuke

Sir Djuke

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Italian cinema has different talents in terms of style. At the top of the pyramid you have Fellini, of course, but below that neorealists like De Sica and Rosselini fight with activists like Bertolucci and Pasolini and with stylists like Antonioni and Zeffirelli for the silver medal.
You can also call Luchino Visconti a stylist and the best example of his aesthetic is 'Morte A Venezia' from 1971. It was a wide-ranging international co-production so that the names 'Mort à Venise', 'Death In Venice' and 'Tod In Venedig' ' are also correct.
'Death In Venice' is a typical case of 'either you love it or you hate it', because what actually happens in the two hours that you spend on it? We see the German composer Gustav von Aschenbach (another phenomenal Dirk Bogarde) make a trip to Venice for his health, where he mainly sits in a chair and looks around and has a specific eye for an attractive Polish boy. He also follows the boy's family through the streets of the city and he probably shouldn't have done that, because that's where the corpses are piling up as a result of a cholera outbreak.
The setting is beautiful, the images are beautiful and the music (Mahler, Moussorgski, Beethoven and Léhar) grabs you by the throat.

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