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Monsieur Lazhar (2011)

Drama | 94 minutes
3,50 432 votes

Genre: Drama / Comedy

Duration: 94 minuten

Alternative title: Bachir Lazhar

Country: Canada

Directed by: Philippe Falardeau

Stars: Mohamed Fellag, Sophie Nélisse and Émilien Néron

IMDb score: 7,5 (21.422)

Releasedate: 10 September 2011

Monsieur Lazhar plot

Bachir Lazhar, an Algerian immigrant, is hired to replace a teacher who has died a tragic death. When the students in the class embark on a long process of mourning and acceptance, no one at school has any idea of Bachir's painful past. Nor do they know that Bachir is afraid every moment of the day to hear that he is being deported.

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Just saw the movie; and I am most amazed at the comments of too many themes and too superficial. The film has one theme: goodbye. And it's only superficial if you're looking for theatrical crying fits. It's an honest film that finds neither a simple unambiguous story, nor a simple solution. Yes it would be so wonderful if mourning could be magically cast away. I'm starting to get cynical so I'll stop.

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Monsieur Lazhar

Beautiful. Monsieur Lazhar's greatest strength lies in the interplay between Lazhar's students. Both Lazhar and his students have had a traumatic experience (he lost his family in Algeria, the students have lost a teacher to suicide), and you see them coping with this loss throughout the film .

Of course the students don't know what is going on in their teacher's life, but only by teaching and interacting with his students you can see Lazhar blossom. Fantastic acting by Fellag, who is only outclassed by the young natural talent Sophie Nélisse. The film navigates between feel good and drama, but does not make the mistake of using tricks to stage the drama. The ending therefore feels like an anticlimax, because you have the feeling that there is even more in store. That is a great pity, but on the other hand also a compliment to director Falardeau and the actors. You don't really want to let go of the characters yet.

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This shows how mature some children can be and how childish some adults can be. There is a political and an educational side to it. Heavy subjects are treated with lightness. Monsieur Lazhar has a charming smile despite the trials he has endured. When he turns out to be a sympathetic con man, it's hard to pick sides. He gets on better with the students than some people who do have the right diploma. Helping the children is a way of coming to terms with one's own suffering. Sophie Nélisse and Emilien Néron excel as pocket-sized actors.

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