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Entre les Murs (2008)

Drama | 128 minutes
3,53 738 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 128 minuten

Alternative title: The Class

Country: France

Directed by: Laurent Cantet

Stars: François Bégaudeau, Nassim Amrabt and Laura Baquela

IMDb score: 7,5 (36.856)

Releasedate: 24 September 2008

Entre les Murs plot

"The dynamics of a multicultural class and its teacher will enlighten."

François and his fellow teachers prepare for a new school year at their secondary school, which is located in a problem neighbourhood. François often manages to surprise his students with his idiosyncratic and refreshing way of teaching. But when some students start to test him, he is forced to reconsider his way of working.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

François Marin, head teacher

Arthur, student

Damien, student

Esmeralda, student

Khoumba, student

Louise, student

Rabah, student

Souleyman, student

Angélica, student

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Fisico (moderator films)

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Watched this "Entre les murs" with great attention. My wife is in education herself and teaches 16-18 year olds at a secondary school, although not in a deprived city district, but still. She notes that teaching is more and more (re)educating and that imparting knowledge is an added bonus, not to mention the administrative burden that obscures teaching itself. The ever-increasing empowerment of students (and their parents) and decreasing respect for teachers mean that you always have to be top notch. If I have a difficult or bad day, I close my door, in front of the class you must always be there.

Beautiful and realistic film with strong characters and an authentic setting. Bit of a Sister act with Whoopi Goldberg, but a bit more realistic and louder. Thought the ending was a bit too easy. As if all problems were suddenly solved when the negative element was removed from the class. I think the problems were a bit wider than that. The parent contacts were also interesting, where you as a teacher can learn a lot about the home situation and how involved the parents are.

The breakdown of that one teacher was also striking. There may have been a latent understanding of his emotions, but I didn't see much support openly. Rather a resigned feeling. That other scene about a student's impending illegality was also bizarre.

The film is more of an observation and documentary than a pure film. Look and behold. Not for the faint of heart, at least not in such classes. Fortunately, it is not the same everywhere, although it should not be underestimated.

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It's great that the movie is so realistic. I think the acting is very good. I was sometimes annoyed by the behavior of some children. Even as a teenager I could find it quite annoying when children acted so bold and rebellious at school. The movie didn't really appeal to me, although I find the idea interesting. At times it felt rather long-winded or kind of passed me by. All in all a small sufficient (6). 3*

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Entre les Murs

Beautiful film in which we follow a teacher and his students for a year. This is a multicultural class and all the problems, strange situations and beautiful moments come along. It's realistically done, and the fact that Bégaudeau was also a teacher in real life at this kind of school must have played a part in that.

The relationship between teacher and student that can change at any time, the problems at home that students bring to school, the parent evenings with parents who do not speak and understand French, the brother as a surrogate father, students who thrive on a good grade or a positive response from the teacher, the occasional “violence”, the meetings with two students who, of course, immediately pass on everything that is discussed to their fellow students, etc. Everything comes along. That could have quickly become boring or repetitive, but the director and actors ensure that it remains interesting to watch.

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