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Le Meraviglie (2014)

Drama | 110 minutes
3,21 162 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 110 minuten

Alternative title: The Wonders

Country: Italy / Switzerland / Germany

Directed by: Alice Rohrwacher

Stars: Maria Alexandra Lungu, Sam Louwyck and Alba Rohrwacher

IMDb score: 6,7 (6.396)

Releasedate: 22 May 2014


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Le Meraviglie plot

An Italian beekeepers family, consisting of mother, four children and at the head of the German father Wolfgang, lives withdrawn in the countryside of Umbria. Life is hard for Wolfgang: he wants to continue the age-old beekeeping tradition, but the local government is making increasingly higher demands on responsible honey. His eldest daughter Gelsomina recognizes his problems and feels called to assist her father. But Gelsomina is also a young woman, who is introduced to the temptations of heaven and earth – especially when a film team arrives to shoot a commercial for the 'Wonders of the Country' contest.

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