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Italian Studies (2021)

Drama | 81 minutes
2,07 7 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 81 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Adam Leon

Stars: Vanessa Kirby and David Ajala

IMDb score: 4,7 (871)

Releasedate: 14 January 2022

Italian Studies plot

"Find yourself."

Mysterious author Alina wanders the streets of Manhattan in a confused state. Inexplicably, she feels attracted to a group of teenagers. Together they set out through the city and take a leap into the unknown.

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'Italian Studies' is the title of a book of short stories by Alina Reynolds [Vanessa Kirby]. For her next book, she wants to delve into the experiences of young people, which is why she scours New York City and speaks to young people about their ambitions, their ideas and life in general. The combination of written scenes and spontaneous conversations with young people is risky and does not work very well in this case, also because the distinction between the dramatized and the 'real' conversations is quite easy to make. Perhaps Leon intended that Kirby's character sometimes has some difficulty making contact, but it doesn't benefit the end result anyway. An experiment that needs no repetition.

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A film that evokes in me the same thing as the phenomenon of 'street photography' - images without a plan, without content, without meaning. But in film form, with a homeopathic narrative that you have to consult Wikipedia to understand - and in this case you still don't.

Kirby is a very beautiful woman, but even that doesn't really cut it. And no matter how beautiful you are, if you forget your dog then you're just gone for me.

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