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Interiors (1978)

Drama | 93 minutes
3,42 177 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 93 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Woody Allen

Stars: Kristin Griffith, Mary Beth Hurt and Richard Jordan

IMDb score: 7,3 (21.418)

Releasedate: 2 August 1978

Interiors plot

Eve (Geraldine Page), an interior designer, is abandoned by her husband Arthur (EG Marshall) after a long marriage. This event exposes the bad relationship between their three grown daughters. The Renata sisters (Diane Keaton), a successful writer; Flyn (Kristin Griffith), a woman paralyzed by her indecision, and Joey (Mary Beth Hurt), an aspiring actress, have drifted apart through jealousy, insecurity and resentment, but try to reconnect with each other out of love for their devastated mother. to come. However, their father suddenly falls in love with another woman (Maureen Stapleton) and his decision to remarry leads to a terrible twist of fate...with unexpected and tragic consequences.

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Phew, what a dark, cold film. It focuses entirely on the different relationships between the equally interesting characters. It is not easy to understand them immediately and I only found the inconspicuous Michael 'likeable'. The rest often quickly evokes negative associations.
Just when you think the film is going down, dad comes up with his new a-cultural affair. It sharpens the relationship with new twists. The powerful ending is unwoody, inky black.

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Woody Allen's first real drama is a sober ode to the work of Ingmar Bergman, shot in atmospheric black and white. The characters and storylines do not dig very deep and the whole thing does not really want to be very interesting, but the film is certainly entertaining and at times beautifully observed. And as is the case with most of Allen's films, everything doesn't look or feel dated at all.

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Excellent film about three adult sisters whose parents are divorcing. A beautiful, subdued family drama with plenty happening beneath the surface. Depicted with little embellishment (there is not even any music). But this benefits the already excellent acting of the entire cast. Woody Allen's first film in which he does not appear.

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