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The Last Picture Show (1971)

Drama | 118 minutes / 126 minutes (director's cut)
3,72 466 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 118 minuten / 126 minuten (director's cut)

Country: United States

Directed by: Peter Bogdanovich

Stars: Timothy Bottoms, Jeff Bridges and Cybill Shepherd

IMDb score: 8,0 (54.319)

Releasedate: 3 October 1971

The Last Picture Show plot

"Anarene, Texas, 1951. Nothing much has changed…"

1951. Duane and Sonny are two best friends who grow up together in the provincial nest of Anarene. They fill their days with the scarce entertainment available in Anarene: cinema, cafes, basketball and girls. Jacy, the most desirable girl in town, is Duane's girlfriend. But after a bad experience in a motel room, Jacy drops her boyfriend for a wealthy college student. Duane is hurt and wants to leave Anarene. The town is slowly emptying, the inhabitants are moving to large cities in the hope of finding a better future there. The two friends are faced with a difficult choice when the small cinema of Sam the Lion has to close. The boys feel they need to close a chapter in their lives and take a step into the future.

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Revision 2: USA 1951 that has to be the most missed period for me: dinners, pool halls, cinemas and the radio that plays fantastic music all day long. The good is now gone thanks to pulp books, Hollywood and Hank Williams. Oh and of course the beautiful design of everything. The question is whether it actually looked as beautiful as in the great black and white of this film. Masterpiece!

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Poetry, it is not every day that I attach such a loaded term to a film, but today is such a day. Months after viewing this cinematic work of outrageous proportions, snippets of beauty from this film still race through my mind at contemplative moments. I'd do all the bits and pieces that appeal to the imagination, but I won't, because I'm afraid my trumpet won't sound loud enough for this work of art. By the way, that Cybill Shepherd also took a good look, except for her beautiful face, by taking place in 2 of the best films ever (the other is Taxi Driver of course). Such a cuddly femme fatale in the making, what man does not succumb to it.

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