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Frankie and Johnny (1991)

Drama | 118 minutes
3,17 411 votes

Genre: Drama / Romance

Duration: 118 minuten

Alternative title: Frankie & Johnny

Country: United States

Directed by: Garry Marshall

Stars: Al Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer and Hector Elizondo

IMDb score: 6,7 (35.099)

Releasedate: 11 October 1991

Frankie and Johnny plot

"You never choose love. Love chooses you."

Johnny goes to work in a restaurant of a Greek family. He meets Frankie there and immediately falls in love with her. Frankie is quite depressed by nature and therefore Johnny can't get a grip on her feelings.

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”I got to go. We're expecting another call from you any minute.”

Smooth rom-com, in which Al Pacino shows that he can also perform in comedies. But it is in every way Michelle Pfeiffer's film with a layered role, not to mention Kate Nelligan, who draws in just about every scene with her sarcastic one-liners. Fun, entertaining film with a laugh and a tear.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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Successful romantic comedy starring Al Pacino and Michelle Pfeiffer. Quite light-hearted as the genre dictates, but especially in the second part also a bit more melancholy. Al Pacino plays a strong role as the sympathetic but never giving up - not to use the words pushy or annoying - man who wants to win the heart of his colleague Frankie. Pfeiffer, on the other hand, is the real star of the film with a fragile authentic role floating as the ever-doubting bachelor. But Kate Nelligan is also not indifferent with a number of striking one-liners. That gay couple were also nice characters to watch.

Also some excellent (hard) scenes here and there such as Frankie observing the arguing couple across the street or the scene where Johnny stares after her naked body.

Not a great movie, but very solid. Loneliness is touched upon here from a melancholy angle. Nice to have seen!

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After a good start with images of chaotic New York, with hunted people, not exactly in the chicest neighborhood, a very light-hearted period follows with quite a few funny sayings and scenes.

If the romance doesn't go smoothly, the inevitable why comes anyway, although it didn't seem very convincing to me, and we end up in something more warm-hearted. It was also predictable that the music could play an important role and because it is so beautiful and Pacino and Pfeiffer do well in this romantic film, still a small 3.5.

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