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El Exilio de Gardel: Tangos (1985)

Drama | 119 minutes
3,33 9 votes

Genre: Drama / Music

Duration: 119 minuten

Alternative title: Tangos, l'Exil de Gardel

Country: Argentina / France

Directed by: Fernando E. Solanas

Stars: Marie Laforêt, Miguel Angel Sola and Philippe Léotard

IMDb score: 7,1 (713)

Releasedate: 6 November 1985


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


El Exilio de Gardel: Tangos plot

Argentine exiles try to set up a "tangedie" (musical show) in Paris with the help of some French friends. A 20-year-old Argentine and her friend tell the story with musical interludes. Happy highs are shown, but disastrous lows are not avoided. The whole is a mixture of various artistic styles. They are not all equal, but that only makes it more original because a tango is a combination of tango, comedy and tragedy. And these are also the ingredients of the film.

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