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Metegol (2013)

Animation | 106 minutes
3,10 20 votes

Genre: Animation / Adventure

Duration: 106 minuten

Alternative titles: De Kampioentjes / Underdogs / The Unbeatables / Futbolín / Foosball

Country: Argentina / Spain

Directed by: Juan José Campanella

Stars: Pablo Rago, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez and David Masajnik

IMDb score: 6,4 (10.592)

Releasedate: 18 July 2013


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Metegol plot

"There's only one team this summer."

Amadeo is a shy but talented boy from a small town whose only skill is that he is a great foosball player. When his dignity is threatened, he must reassemble his now-disassembled foosball table. Led by their leader, the charismatic left winger, the foosball players and Amadeo form a close team.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Amadeo (voice)

Grosso (voice)

Capi (voice)

Malparitti II (voice)

Intendente (voice)

Joven Grosso (voice)

Central Liso (voice)

Laura (voice)

Ermitaño (voice)

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