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Dirty Picture (1980)

Drama | 79 minutes
2,62 4 votes

Genre: Drama / Experimental

Duration: 79 minuten

Alternative title: Pim de la Parra's Dirty Picture

Country: Netherlands

Directed by: Pim de la Parra

Stars: Pim de la Parra, Karina Keuchenius, Liëla Koguchi

IMDb score: 5,1 (19)

Releasedate: 3 July 1980


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Dirty Picture plot

The Colombian optometrist Dr. Ignacio Cosso (De la Parra himself) makes a stopover in Amsterdam after a conference visit to Calcutta on his return to his own country. Here he is guided through the city by a seductive woman by bicycle rickshaw. While passing through the city, he always comes across beautiful and often naked women whom he often photographs. This is how he manages to conquer an attractive stripper.

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