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Cold Mountain (2003)

Drama | 154 minutes
3,46 1.461 votes

Genre: Drama / War

Duration: 154 minuten

Country: United States / United Kingdom / Romania / Italy

Directed by: Anthony Minghella

Stars: Jude Law, Nicole Kidman and Renée Zellweger

IMDb score: 7,2 (159.591)

Releasedate: 24 December 2003

Cold Mountain plot

"Find the strength. Find the courage. No matter what it takes... find the way home."

When Confederate soldier Inman (Jude Law) is wounded during the American Civil War, he decides to desert and embark on a perilous journey to his hometown. He hopes to be reunited here with his sweetheart Ada (Nicole Kidman), who must do everything in his power to survive in these difficult times. She gets help from Ruby (Renée Zellweger), who helps Ada run her farm.

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Well, for tonight you could choose between The English Patient and this movie. Both Minghella movies, I believe. Viewers then apparently have discernment. The first is a dragon of a film with perhaps the most unjustly awarded Oscar status in Hollywood history (no, not Titanic)... Cold Moutain is much better than that. Again thanks to Jude Law's game. What an actor! Seymour Hoffmann also plays a part in this epic drama.

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A film in which everything around it and the supporting cast is more interesting than the love story that is central.

The film does have some similarities with Gone With the Wind. But where the romance does work there, it didn't do much for me in Cold Mountain. It really didn't bother me much whether the lovers were still reunited or not. The romance doesn't really come across as convincing, which is mainly due to the way it's written than to the actors. The writer(s) even managed to make the events surrounding Inman and his journey back to his Ada a lot more interesting. The film certainly scores points there. The supporting characters are also better written than the main characters. The battle in the beginning is also very beautiful.

Acting is good to very good. The supporting cast is also very strong here. Law and Kidman can do better. Zellweger, an actress that I normally don't like at all, knows how to get me into this. Also Hoffman, Gleeson, Portman. The rest of the allstar cast is also nice to watch.

Cold Mountain is also very solid. Beautifully filmed, beautiful locations, epic music which is sometimes just too pushy in how you should feel at certain moments.

It's a shame that the drama aspect doesn't come across as well and the film is strong on other points. Cold Mountain isn't nearly as immersive as it could have been.

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Film Pegasus (moderator films)

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The cast was impressive on this film and cinematographer John Seale collaborated on Mad Max Fury Road. A very promising film, but unfortunately it was seriously disappointing. The accent of the English Jude Law and the Australian Nicole Kidman was not really comfortable. The whole script was a mess, with a faint narration all the time like from a romantic TV movie. I don't mind that a genre like this contains the necessary clichés, as long as it entertains. But here it sometimes seemed more like a parody.

Occasionally a nice shot, but not enough to really impress. The film does have its moments, but they are quite rare. And figures come and go, without really missing them. There is too little sincere drama and unfortunately the corny romance takes over a little too much. And I'm still a lover of Classic Hollywood and musicals.

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