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Buried in Barstow (2022)

Drama | 85 minutes
2,22 9 votes

Genre: Drama / Thriller

Duration: 85 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Howard Deutch

Stars: Angie Harmon, Lauren Richards and Kristoffer Polaha

IMDb score: 6,5 (2.512)

Releasedate: 4 June 2022


Buried in Barstow plot

"You can't bury your past."

Hazel King is a single mother determined to protect her daughter Joy from the life she once had herself. Hazel was plucked from the streets of Las Vegas at the age of 15 and trained as a hit man, until a pregnancy pushed her to leave it all behind. Now, more than a decade later, Hazel owns a barbecue restaurant in Barstow, California. When one day the stranger Elliot arrives, she becomes involved in her old life again.

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