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Beats (2019)

Drama | 109 minutes
2,99 67 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 109 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Chris Robinson

Stars: Anthony Anderson, Khalil Everage and Emayatzy Corinealdi

IMDb score: 6,4 (6.143)

Releasedate: 19 June 2019


Beats plot

"Rise above the noise"

A young teenager is a real musical talent. However, he lives withdrawn because he suffers the loss of his sister. He meets a disoriented manager who is trying to get on the right track in his music career. An unlikely friendship develops between the two. United by their mutual love for hip-hop, they try to free each other from the demons of their past and break into the city's music scene.

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Not much good.

Anderson makes the film somewhat watchable. I thought Khalil Everage's acting was extremely weak and I had difficulty empathizing with his situation. Uzo Aduba gives a strong performance, but is sometimes a bit uncomfortable in the scenes with Khalil due to the difference in quality. Story is a bit thin and therefore for me a real category 'hmmm-I'm-bored-on-Sunday-afternoon-3pm' film.

Not a high flyer.

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Sympathetic and entertaining, this subtly developed drama about a young musical talent (Khalil Everage), who is forced to live a withdrawn life after a traumatic experience. Anthony Anderson, usually insufferable in many lame comedies, is fine here as a down-and-out manager who befriends him. Nicely constructed, just a shame about the rather contrived and unsatisfactory ending.

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Mickey b

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Film about the tough street life in Chicago, where shootings are common and where a boy loses his sister in this way. As a result, he has become completely introverted, suffers from anxiety attacks and has an overprotective mother. He no longer dares to go outside and locks himself in his room where he makes music and turns out to be a talent at it. He is discovered by a music manager who has made a mistake in the past and now wants to take his chances again and get it right this time. Gradually the two grow closer and each struggles with their problems. Both actors play their roles well and believably. However, I find the film to be a bit leisurely and without any real emotional highlights. The music also remains a bit superficial, with the exception of one tune that lingers a bit. This tune is also the common thread throughout the story. The film does not reach the level of '8 Mile' with Eminem from 2002. In the latter, the music scene is much more pronounced and you empathize more with the story and the music. Beats is therefore not a bad film, but rather a nice eye-catcher. Hence 3*

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