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Awakenings (1990)

Drama | 120 minutes
3,60 1.323 votes

Genre: Biography / Drama

Duration: 120 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Penny Marshall

Stars: Robert De Niro, Robin Williams and John Heard

IMDb score: 7,8 (164.862)

Releasedate: 4 December 1990

Awakenings plot

"There is no such thing as a simple miracle."

New doctor Malcolm Sayer has to deal with a room full of coma patients. He is appalled that they have been in a coma for years, with no hope of recovery. When he finds a possible drug, he gets permission to try it on one of the patients. The man, who awakens, has fallen into a coma when he was a child.

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  • 3556 messages
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Oh no, another pathetic, larmoyante whine film. Fits perfectly in the line of films such as Shawshank and Green Mile. Sweet story, blatantly sentimental posturing, music that gives you acute stomach cramps, in short: Hollywood to the fullest.

Furthermore, a very basic and easy to follow story; After falling asleep for a while I was able to pick up the thread again. That is the most positive thing I have to say about this dragon, next to a nice De Niro in itself.

For two hours I got a lot of too soggy cotton candy peppered in my face; that's the only feeling left afterwards. So quickly forgotten, but that probably won't be a difficult job either. 1.0*.

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Awakenings is a good feel-good movie from the recently deceased Penny Marshall. Robin Williams plays a (presumably autistic) doctor and Robert De Niro a comatose patient who regains consciousness through the doctor's efforts. The film is based on real events, although that is sometimes quite hard to believe when you see the investigations and almost miraculous cures (although the film does give some nuance there in the end) . It never ceases to amaze me to see that medicine is not an exact science and quite recently there was much less knowledge than now about many things.

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