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Ai Qing Wan Sui (1994)

Drama | 118 minutes
3,61 125 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 118 minuten

Alternative titles: Vive l'Amour / 愛情萬歲 / 爱情万岁

Country: Taiwan

Directed by: Ming-liang Tsai

Starst: Kang-sheng Lee, Yang Kuei-Mei and Chen Chao-jung

IMDb score: 7,3 (5.110)

Releasedate: 2 March 1995


Ai Qing Wan Sui plot

Unknown to each other, two men and a woman regularly use an empty flat in Taipei. When the woman takes a lover to this flat, she does not realize that she is being watched by a boy.

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  • 35 messages
  • 115 votes

Please pay attention to the movie making time first. making this movie in 1994 and in Taiwan is a great cinematic event. The film is a masterpiece in this respect. I refer to my memory a little and remember the important films of 1994 as much as possible. Kieslowski's "Red", " The Shawshank Redemption", "Forrest Gump", "Death and the Maiden", "pulp fiction", "Leon", and "Ed wood", but in my opinion, this movie is better than all these movies. This film has a deep and detailed look at today's human world. At a time when the 20th century is coming to an end, the film shows the perspective of the 21st century.