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A Soldier's Story (1984)

Drama | 101 minutes
3,29 142 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 101 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Norman Jewison

Stars: Art Evans

IMDb score: 7,2 (11.815)

Releasedate: 14 September 1984

A Soldier's Story plot

"Alone, far from home, and far from justice, he has three days to learn the truth about a murder... and the truth is a story you won't forget."

In Tynen Louisiana, the body of black sergeant Waters, shot and killed, is found just outside the army base. Military lawyer Davenport, also black, is sent south from Washington to investigate. During his investigation, Davenport faces deception and prejudice.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Captain Davenport

Sergeant Waters

Private Wilkie

Corporal Ellis

Private First Class Peterson

Corporal Cobb

Private Smalls

Captain Taylor

Lieutenant Byrd

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  • 27430 messages
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The film doesn't really go deep, but the murder investigation in combination with an army base in the US in the 1940s automatically results in a film that is interesting. It is a pity that the investigation is ultimately mainly solved by statements. Perhaps it could have been written a little more sharply. The racial segregation is also sometimes a bit too obvious. More could have been done with this.


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Weakly constructed, mediocre acting and as a film in which an investigation into a murder is conducted, no tension at all.

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One less fool for the rest to be ashamed of

Outstanding film about a black officer investigating the murder of another black officer, Waters. The racial prejudices are played out in a non clichéd way. For example, I found it strong that the two whites beating Waters were racist but honest with their testimony . During interviews Davenport has with other soldiers, it is told in flashback how Waters never missed an opportunity to tease a popular soldier, CJ. Caesar impresses with his role as a bastard soldier, but Rollins as one of the toughest negroes ever on screen (military suit, black glasses) doesn't get much to do other than interrogate. Definitely recommended, if only for the debuting Denzel Washington.

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