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Secret in Their Eyes (2015)

Crime | 111 minutes
3,04 575 votes

Genre: Crime / Drama

Duration: 111 minuten

Country: United States / United Kingdom / Spain / South Korea

Directed by: Billy Ray

Stars: Chiwetel Ejiofor, Nicole Kidman and Julia Roberts

IMDb score: 6,3 (52.174)

Releasedate: 14 October 2015

Secret in Their Eyes plot

"The truth lies in the most unexpected places."

A close-knit team of FBI investigators, Ray (Chiwetel Ejiofor) and Jess (Julia Roberts), are torn apart when they discover that Jess' teenage daughter has been brutally and inexplicably murdered. Thirteen years later, after obsessively searching for the elusive killer every day, Ray has finally uncovered a new lead that he's sure can solve the case. However, no one is prepared for what will happen next.

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avatar van Captain Pervert

Captain Pervert

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Somewhat meaningless film that ripples on and at the end has a nice twist. The main credit is that they got Julia Roberts in front of the camera without makeup. She hasn't made a noteworthy film for years and is only suitable for perfume advertisements of expensive French brands, in which she can logically be seen completely filled up, grinning even wider than that cat from Alice in Wonderland.

3 stars

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WtF is Billy Ray that he let such a star cast rather poorly directed wander around in a story like that? That could have been done with more oppression and much less 2D. None of the relationships came out like that. Kidman remained a doll and Roberts the tormented one. Notable role of the bad guy in the story. As almost an afterthought, the denouement quickly followed... which I don't believe in because people are not put together like that (see the Nicky Verstappen case).

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avatar van Black Math

Black Math

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Solid. The plot is quite captivating with an unexpected and interesting denouement. The film has to rely mainly on the plot; Visually I didn't think it was very special. Ultimately a film that does what it's supposed to do, but certainly no more. 2.5*.

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