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Wicker Park (2004)

Mystery | 114 minutes
3,47 665 votes

Genre: Mystery / Romance

Duration: 114 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Paul McGuigan

Stars: Josh Hartnett, Rose Byrne and Matthew Lillard

IMDb score: 6,9 (59.482)

Releasedate: 3 September 2004

Wicker Park plot

"Passion never dies."

Drama about a man who has an obsessive love for a woman he fell in love with and who then disappeared without a trace. Two years after her disappearance, he sees her flash past in a bar, after which a difficult search for the truth begins. Remake of L' Appartement.

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Not a bad video. Unfortunately at times quite slow and confusing.

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“Love makes you do crazy things, insane things, things in a million years you never thought you'd see yourself do. There you are doing it... can't help it.”

Wicker Park is an interesting jigsaw puzzle. The film is a mysterious and romantic drama that shows how far someone will go for love. With many misunderstandings, lies and mishaps as a result.

McGuigan's directing is very strong with some great scenes and a lot of visual flair. The threesome Hartnett, Kruger and Byrne are insanely good and the ladies especially have some great scenes. Nice acting. Also a big compliment to the music that is very atmospheric at times and has a great bounce with Coldplay. Strong film about the weird things we do for love.

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Half a star less because of the horribly boring and clichéd soundtrack and half a star less because of the visual qualities. It seemed as if an 18-year-old did the editing and camera work: all useless, interesting stuff, but without impact at the important moments.

This could have been a great movie, but unfortunately this just makes it a good movie. Certainly no more than that.

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