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Paradise Highway (2022)

Crime | 115 minutes
2,71 139 votes

Genre: Crime / Drama

Duration: 115 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Anna Gutto

Stars: Juliette Binoche, Morgan Freeman and Frank Grillo

IMDb score: 5,7 (7.385)

Releasedate: 29 July 2022

Paradise Highway plot

Sally is a truck driver by trade. She tries to protect her brother from a dangerous prison gang and is forced to transport illegal goods. While FBI agent Gerrick is on Sally's trail, she is assigned her final assignment: transporting a teenage girl. Sally's conscience is tested.

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Sally [Juliette Binoche] is a trucker who delivers illegal 'packages' for her brother [Frank Grillo], allowing him to safely serve his sentence in a high-security prison. This time, however, her 'package' turns out to be a girl [Hala Finley]. When the delivery of this package goes bloody out of hand, Sally flees with the girl. Not only does she now have to stay out of the hands of the people smugglers, but she also has to outwit FBI agent Finley Sterling [Cameron Monaghan] and his advisor [Morgan Freeman]. An almost unrecognizable Binoche frees herself from her arthouse image and does so in a surprisingly convincing way. While this isn't the first time Freeman has played an FBI agent, here's a side of him we haven't seen often. Too bad the story is pretty trite and not too believable.

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with the name Morgan Freeman on the poster to make it look like a good movie

saw it after 45 minutes


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lang pee

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Predictable thriller with a role that is not at all for Binoche, completely miscast. A predictably boring movie that goes nowhere...I hope Freeman kept his hands to himself....

It may just be me, but why always a whole description about what the movie is about when I can just read it on the same page?

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