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Mauvais Sang (1986)

Crime | 116 minutes
3,53 110 votes

Genre: Crime / Romance

Duration: 116 minuten

Alternative titles: Bad Blood / The Night Is Young

Country: France / Switzerland

Directed by: Leos Carax

Stars: Michel Piccoli, Juliette Binoche and Denis Lavant

IMDb score: 7,2 (9.638)

Releasedate: 26 November 1986


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Mauvais Sang plot

"Love that burns fast but lasts forever."

At the end of the 20th century, Paris was ravaged by STBO, a disease transmitted when people make love to each other without actually loving. Two rival groups set out to steal a culture of the dreaded virus. Alex is a dexterous young man who will replace his father, a murdered mobster, in the planned theft. Everything goes according to plan until Alex meets Anna. He is overwhelmed by her beauty. When the time comes to steal the breeding, he suddenly has a reason to live again; only the arrival of an elderly American mobster threatens to disrupt his new life plans.

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