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Hounds of Love (2016)

Crime | 108 minutes
3,30 198 votes

Genre: Crime / Thriller

Duration: 108 minuten

Country: Australia

Directed by: Ben Young

Stars: Emma Booth, Ashleigh Cummings and Stephen Curry

IMDb score: 6,5 (13.709)

Releasedate: 7 October 2016

Hounds of Love plot

"Have you seen this girl?"

Vicki Maloney is kidnapped by a disturbed couple on a suburban street. As she observes the dynamics between her captors, she soon realizes that she must turn them against each other. That way she has a chance to survive.

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A deceptively normal residential area in the Western Australian metropolis of Perth forms the setting for the exciting kidnapping drama Hounds of Love. The intended victim is the young adult Vicki (Ashleigh Cummings), who is privately suffering from her parents' divorce. As night falls, a car approaches the scantily clad and emotionally unstable Vicki. No pimps or other nonsense behind the wheel, but an apparently friendly couple. If she needs a ride. The net closes when Vicki agrees.

Hounds of Love proves that a simple film succeeds by virtue of good execution. There are no big surprises in this story, but there is a lot of atmosphere and excellent tension. In the prelude to the emotional climax, we also learn a lot about the perpetrators. What moves them, who plays who? Hounds of Love is thriller and character study in one.

However, director Ben Young makes the most impression with a few idiosyncratic choices. The strong opening (slow-motion volleyball on a sports field) shows courage, the soundtrack (Moody Blues, Joy Division, even Christmas music) hits just right. Hounds of Love is highly recommended.

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Atmospheric, well-written and strongly acted psychological thriller based on true facts begins in Perth in 1987, when Vicki Maloney [Ashley Cummings] is kidnapped by the young couple John [Stephen Curry] and Evelyn White [Emma Booth]. The screenplay focuses on the tense relationship between the explosive John and the submissive Evelyn, but mainly from the perspective of Vicki, who quickly realizes that the atmosphere can change at any moment. This fact creates a lot of suspense, even though director/screenwriter Ben Young resorts a bit too much to stylistic devices in his feature debut.

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In its genre it falls just a bit short of being impressive. At times the atmosphere works better in this film than in similar films, but overall it lags a bit in terms of tension or flow. I didn't feel enough impact afterwards.

I can say that the film sometimes rips through you, because director Young manages to portray Cummings' powerlessness in a very chilling way at times. Those screams really go to your very core, which suddenly makes you feel very uncomfortable.

But unfortunately the events throughout the film do not live up to those moments enough. Young makes attempts to delve deeper into the kidnappers, but I just found them to be 2 superficial characters of which it obviously won't be long before they come to blows with each other.

The film has 2 exciting parts, but otherwise I felt little sympathy for Cummings, except for her screams. It is all set up quite raw, but the rough appearance of the film is mainly due to the direction itself, and not due to the events during the film, which really do not enhance that appearance enough.

The acting is of a high level, especially from Cummings, and it makes everything seem more realistic and rough to the viewer, but ultimately the characters themselves never really want to get off the ground. The kidnappers in particular are not really recovering.

Ultimately, 108 minutes is just a bit too long, especially because the film doesn't manage to say enough to justify that running time. However, the film is not exactly boring and the powerlessness is very apparent at times. It has a number of chilling moments, but that was not because the events were very shocking, but mainly because Cummings himself plays very well and convincingly.

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