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Diagnosis: Murder (1975)

Crime | 95 minutes
3,17 3 votes

Genre: Crime / Thriller

Duration: 95 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: Sidney Hayers

Stars: Jon Finch, Judy Geeson and Christopher Lee

IMDb score: 6,3 (293)

Releasedate: 1 January 1974


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Diagnosis: Murder plot

"Three or four drops a day can relieve the patient ...of her fortune"

dr. Steven Hayward, a wealthy psychiatrist, finds his wife Julia has disappeared upon arrival at home. When she is not home a few hours later, he calls the police. Inspector Lomax soon after receives an anonymous letter stating that the doctor killed his wife. When Helen, the doctor's mistress, also appears on the scene, all this leads to a macabre conclusion.

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