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Ucieczka z Kina 'Wolnosc' (1990)

Comedy | 92 minutes
3,10 10 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 92 minuten

Alternative title: Escape from the 'Liberty' Cinema

Country: Poland

Directed by: Wojciech Marczewski

Stars: Janusz Gajos and Aleksander Bednarz

IMDb score: 7,1 (1.219)

Releasedate: 14 October 1990


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Ucieczka z Kina 'Wolnosc' plot

Writer Cenzor (Janusz Gajos) becomes the head of film censorship and thinks he has gained a lot of power with it. However, that is disgusting. In the cinema 'Freedom' the film characters even revolt and change the film with their own hands. The writer cannot get this anarchy under control and is forced to bring in other official bodies.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Cenzor Rabkiewicz

Asystent cenzora

Małgorzata w filmie "Jutrzenka"

Aktor Tadeusz grający, ojca Małgorzaty w filmie "Jutrzenka"

Krytyk filmowy


Karwański, kierownik kina "Wolność", były oficer SB

Kinooperator Krzysio

Aktor amerykański, który wyszedł z filmu Purpurowa róża z Kairu

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