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The Magic of Belle Isle (2012)

Comedy | 109 minutes
3,30 308 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 109 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Rob Reiner

Stars: Morgan Freeman, Emma Fuhrmann and Virginia Madsen

IMDb score: 6,9 (20.827)

Releasedate: 6 July 2012

The Magic of Belle Isle plot

"A Re-Coming of Age Story."

Wheelchair-bound Monte Wildhorn was always a writer but now prefers the bottle and lives a secluded life. So maintaining a lakeside summer cottage could be right up his alley. However, he gets more than he hoped for. He befriends the family who live next door to him. The family consists of the beautiful single mother Charlotte and her 9-year-old daughter Finnegan who pays him to teach her more about imagination.

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  • 8074 messages
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Sweet family film in which an embittered man finds the necessary tenderness that can put him back on track and the good thing is that he also initiates a favorable repercussion on his part.

You cannot banish sentimentality from such films. To take or to leave.

The theme is not new, so quite predictable and a lot depends on the players and in this "Magic of Belle Isle" you can count on the class of Morgan Freeman who perfectly articulates sarcasm and wisdom.

The youngsters are also good at their American style of being very bright.

I'll give it a 3.5.

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Relaxed film about a worn-out writer and his single neighbor and her three children who, for various reasons, all have to get their lives back on track. Especially the somewhat philosophical dialogues are of a high level. In addition, Freeman and the dog provide delicious interludes. In addition to the almost indestructible, always reliable Freeman, the youngsters also put down excellent performances.

Prototype of a good feeling film with an occasional goosebumps moment. Although not an absolute hit, I was still sad that the film was over. I was far from tired of this company and their story.

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  • 488 messages
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Nice comedy with the right dose of drama. Great acting, even the little girls. Well and Morgan, what can you say about that? That man's voice alone is legendary...

Never bored. In fact, I could have watched it longer if it hadn't already ended.

Yes a beautiful movie.

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