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The King of Staten Island (2020)

Comedy | 136 minutes
3,44 383 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 136 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Judd Apatow

Stars: Pete Davidson, Marisa Tomei and Bill Burr

IMDb score: 7,1 (79.075)

Releasedate: 22 July 2020

The King of Staten Island plot

Scott lost his father at the age of seven and has been in constant trouble since his teens. Now in his twenties, he spends his time on drugs, hanging out with his friends and sporadically hooking up with a childhood friend. When his mother starts dating a rowdy firefighter, the profession his father also practiced, a chain reaction starts.

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Zinema (crew films)

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dark dramady

Judd Apatow's latest film is once again a drama that manages to stick. And one that might have been a little shorter. The tragicomic experiences of a derailed twenty-something who spends his life on drugs and tattoos are occasionally very impressive, but also derail, just like the main character himself. However, happiness can sometimes be found in small things and many film buffs will indulge in the fascinating dialogues and remarkable humour. In any case, the director and screenwriter (including Pete Davidson himself) know how to cause enough commotion. Even though they are long in dust.

The personal project has a background that only reinforces the viewing experience. The feel-good sauce that is poured over it towards the end feels somewhat inappropriate. Davidson and Burr are excellent in the lead roles and especially the discomfort that creeps up on you during many a conversation makes for beautiful moments. Despite the fact that things seem a bit unbalanced and the tear is rather forced, the angle of view is often darker and more original than what we are usually presented with. An achievement in itself. A rudderless boy in a rudderless movie; sometimes you don't need navigation.


Thanks to Universal for the review copy.

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john mcclane 2

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What a wonderful one from mister apatow , especially the thin but effective line between drama and humor , nicely balanced , only it is not a thumping blow as many of his films often are .

Unfortunately, he also suffers from the chronically too long syndrome (see also micheal bay) which in his case does not always bother me but which is often not necessary.

What works especially well here is the lead role of Pete Davidson , which is not very strange because his life story on wiki is almost autobiographical with Scott 's story .

The role of Bill Burr is also strong , but actually the entire cast is , and the humor is one of a kind . Just like the unique protagonist Scott.

A loser , but one that you like , but also understands that it drives his sister crazy , for example .

Towards the end it will of course become a bit feel good, that's fine, especially the pub scene (headlight) makes for a big smile

In fact, a Judd Apatow film rarely disappoints me, and I think this is one of his best..


if you like his style like so many others I recommend the netflix series Love !!

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They always remain separate choices to place comedians in the lead roles of partial drama films. I couldn't have easily seen someone like Pete Davidson in these kinds of roles. I do know that he carries a past that ties in well with this film, but nevertheless I had always estimated him as someone who mainly stays on stage.

Despite the fast pace of the film that goes through some fast editing, the film didn't really grab me on an emotional level. There are enough moments in the film where I assume that you as a viewer should be able to show sympathy, but in my case that was left behind. In my view, this film should rather rely on the mutual chemistry between characters.

I also miss some extra direction at the moments that really have to stay with you. In that respect, the film leaves me quite cold. Fortunately, there is generally plenty to do in between. There was no real laughter, but the acting is above average and the story does go somewhere. The playing time, which is relatively long at 136 minutes, is not really felt anywhere.

All in all, I'm missing some connection. The King of Staten Island didn't quite get to me and that's a shame, because Judd Apatow is a nice name in bringing drama and comedy together. With this film it seems mainly drama or comedy, but the result is a film that didn't stay with me as much as I had hoped.

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