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National Lampoon Presents Dorm Daze (2003)

Comedy | 96 minutes
1,98 225 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 96 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: David Hillenbrand and Scott Hillenbrand

Stars: Tatyana Ali, Boti Bliss and Tony Denman

IMDb score: 4,6 (8.373)

Releasedate: 26 September 2003

National Lampoon Presents Dorm Daze plot

"Study Hard."

A day in the life of some students who live on campus at their university. Great confusion ensues when two women arrive, both named Dominique. One Dominique is a foreign student, who has just flown in from France. The other Dominique is a hooker hired to deflower one of the students.

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The umpteenth in the list of films that tries to piggyback on the success of American Pie, among others. Except for a few funny things, this is very minimal, however. In terms of content, it tells very little, in contrast to something like the aforementioned AP, which tries to capture a time image.


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Well, I found out that this was the one movie I've been looking for for years. As far as I can remember I thought it was fantastic. Really need to check it out!

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Just terribly bad.

I had seen a piece of Dorm Daze before, but this (partial) rewatch was totally nonsensical. Terribly poorly acted and just not funny at all. And that's what a comedy like this is ultimately judged on.

The lowest score.

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