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Madea's Witness Protection (2012)

Comedy | 114 minutes
1,80 30 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 114 minuten

Alternative title: Tyler Perry's Madea's Witness Protection

Country: United States

Directed by: Tyler Perry

Stars: Tyler Perry, Eugene Levy and Denise Richards

IMDb score: 5,0 (11.481)

Releasedate: 29 June 2012

Madea's Witness Protection plot

"Believe it or not, they know too much."

George Needleman (Eugene Levy) is a senior financial executive in New York. When he becomes involved in a pyramid scheme, he and his family are placed in a witness protection program. She goes to a place where absolutely no one will go looking for them: Madea's (Tyler Perry) home in America's South.

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They remain a bit series for a limited movie audience, but Perry seems to have enough fun to continue his movie character. It is a bit strange that the first Madea films seem to contain more drama and are now mainly full of comedy. But I can't say that for sure.

This Madea movie uses some of the more famous headlines outside of Perry. That's how we see Richards again, and I'm almost sure that fans of weaker comedies like the American Pie series will also recognize Levy. So you can't speak of an inexperienced cast.

By the way, I have only seen both Halloween movies by Madea, and they do use the same humor, but I found the printout especially annoying. Here it remains more of the same, and that is why the score is ultimately higher.

Here and there I can smile for a moment, but then it's usually so exaggerated that it's actually fun. But the mountains of sex and body parts jokes don't do much for me. The entire film is actually packed with humor that is very bland. It's not painful, just not that funny.

It is mainly due to the fact that the cast does the best they can. You can find Perry's movie character annoying, you can hardly say that Perry is doing a bad job. The enthusiasm dominates, and that is the most positive thing about the film.

But the humor just doesn't appeal to me, and 114 minutes is really absurdly long for a Madea movie. Score is therefore a big fail, but not a dramatic fail. It is true that with the Halloween-Madea films there were scenes in which the oldies spew stupid texts for 30 minutes, and in that respect this Madea tries to tell a bit of a story again, and then it is already a bit better .

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okay, even if you don't like the humor or the elaboration of this series of movies around Madea, the enthusiasm and performance of the character Madea and Joe is an asset of these movies. You have to do it anyway to play these crazy characters and especially the pace of Madea's dialogues. The subtitles even get difficult to follow The film looks smooth and there are some very nice funny scenes in the film. Of course the film also has a lot of scenes that are less successful, but boredom is not discussed. Madea is one lump of gigantic bustle that you can like or not. 6/10

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