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Le Tatoué (1968)

Comedy | 90 minutes
3,14 28 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 90 minuten

Alternative title: The Tattooed One

Country: France / Italy

Directed by: Denys de La Patellière

Stars: Jean Gabin, Louis de Funès and Lyne Chardonnet

IMDb score: 6,5 (3.679)

Releasedate: 17 August 1968


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Le Tatoué plot

A former soldier has a tattoo applied by Modigliani on his back. An avid art dealer (De Funès) is on the hunt for the man and his artwork on behalf of Americans.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Comte Enguerand de Montignac, dit « Legrain »

Félicien Mézeray

Le postier

Suzanne Mézeray

Dubois, le percepteur

Le professeur Mortemont

Lucien, le facteur

Le détective nº 1

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  • 8069 messages
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The electric shocks between de Funès and Jean Gabin work as god as these between de Funès and Bourvil, in one of the best de Funès mauling films.

Slightly more sedate and with a good, original and well-developed plot.

Now and then you think it's silly, but what kind of comedy isn't?

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Bought this on DVD a while ago and watched it.

I didn't know it yet, but the fact that two of the greatest French actors are in a movie together was reason enough for me to blindly buy it.

De Funes and Gabin are a nice film couple and it is striking how well Gabin, as an actor not necessarily specialized in comedy, manages to hold his own with temper frog De Funes.

The scenes between the two gentlemen are therefore often to be enjoyed.

The starting point, with the precious tattoo on the back of an eccentric old count, is nice and absurd and gives De Funes the space to jump out of his skin many times,

but unfortunately in the last twenty minutes or so they abandon this fact and nothing is done with it from one moment to the next, in order to add a kind of sluggish "happy ending", which you as a viewer can leaves a somewhat unsatisfactory feeling and which unfortunately makes the film anything but a classic. Shame!

A six or three stars.

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Nice introduction to 2 icons for the price of 1. Not as funny as some other de Funès movies but still funny enough. Sometimes a comical undertone can also suffice in certain scenes. For me it is the first time that I see the combination Gabin - de Funès in action and I liked it very much. Although they apparently didn't get along very well on set.

The humor of de Funès with his black footman is daring by today's standards. This just shows how values and norms can evolve over time.

A fun movie and definitely worth a review.

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