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Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016)

Comedy | 101 minutes
3,50 639 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 101 minuten

Country: New Zealand

Directed by: Taika Waititi

Stars: Sam Neill, Julian Dennison and Rachel House

IMDb score: 7,8 (144.575)

Releasedate: 31 March 2016

Hunt for the Wilderpeople plot

"Nature just got gangster"

A rebellious city boy (Julian Dennison) flees into the wilds of New Zealand with his cranky foster uncle (Sam Neill). When the two get lost in the woods, the two must put aside their differences to survive. A national manhunt is organized to find the duo.

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Waititi is making a name for herself, but I'm a bit surprised that everyone is talking about What We Do in the Shadows. As I remember Eagle vs Shark was already a minor indie hit. In any case, Waititi shows with this film that he can also do without Clement, although he is missed a little bit now and then.

The first fifteen minutes is a bit aimless, but a wonderful moment when that woman dies and the film suddenly takes direction. The further course is a bit more predictable, with a somewhat awkward hook-up between an old grumbler and an unwanted child. It sometimes reminded me of Bad Santa, although the accents are slightly different here.

I didn't recognize Sam Neill at all. Fortunately, I would say because normally I don't like him that much. This is doing very well. But it is Dennison who carries this film, with his pressed together nose, eyes and mouth surrounded by a solid mass of flesh. Delivery is also nice and dry, the two were clearly looking forward to it.

And that's how a pretty fun movie unfolds. A bit thick, some film references (but not really very good ones in my opinion), some nature, a dash of drama and an epilogue that might not have been needed in the end. Also a soundtrack that I found a bit too boring, but I'm not a big fan of pop songs reused in movie soundtracks anyway. It's usually really fun, but here and there it falters a bit, so it never became a really great movie.

But Waititi proves himself again as an original and skilled director with this film. Boy also have another look and then maybe give the new Thor another chance. Though I hope those Hollywood trips don't become a habit.


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Kiwi comedy...

Small and fine film. I wouldn't immediately expect Sam Neill in such an indie movie. It is a tragicomedy about an obese wayward boy who is placed in a foster family. When the foster mother dies of a heart attack, he is left alone with the old grumbler who is her guy. This is the beginning of this somewhat absurd comedy with haikus, movie references, wild boars, skux behavior, a bush man and other caricatural characters. Humor abounds in this strangely wacky world around Ricky Baker. This could have been a comic book adaptation.

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A fierce inner battle waged whether I should give this film three or three and a half stars. Ultimately, after intensive consultation at home, we opted for that half extra. We've actually seen the story of an old grunt who is stuck with a chatty boy too often. What makes it special, in addition to the often beautiful images of nature, is the ever-present, occasionally insane but above all funny humor with which this is told: really nice and original jokes are shown here. It is true that that bizarre humor is sometimes in contrast with the rest of the film. I mean: it doesn't look like a full-blooded comedy, the tone of the film is quite serious and that humor sometimes comes out of the blue, it just feels like it got into the wrong movie. But apart from that: small video, but definitely worth it.

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