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Dayte Zhalobnuyu Knigu (1965)

Comedy | 91 minutes
2,50 1 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 91 minuten

Alternative title: Give Me the Complaints Book

Country: Soviet Union

Directed by: Eldar Ryazanov

Stars: Oleg Borisov, Larisa Golubkina and Anatoliy Kuznetsov

IMDb score: 7,0 (719)

Releasedate: 6 June 1964


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Dayte Zhalobnuyu Knigu plot

The restaurant 'Dandelion' has a bad reputation among the inhabitants of Moscow. The service is rude and the kitchen is terrible. The journalist Nikitin visits the restaurant with his friends. Confronted with the poor service, he decides to write a critical article about 'Dandelion' that gets a lot of publicity. Nikitin then meets the handsome restaurateur and they fall in love. Together they try to transform the restaurant into a trendy youth cafe.

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  • 885 messages
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Well, the Russian New Wave. I'll never be a fan of it. The bajan has been exchanged for the accordion and folk music for jazz. The film is hopeful and an ode to life. Writing a critical article to get a woman's attention is a smart move. The staff is rude but not irritating or farcical.

Not bad, but nothing more. Reasonable.

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