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The Princess and the Frog (2009)

Animation | 97 minutes
3,41 936 votes

Genre: Animation / Music

Duration: 97 minuten

Alternative title: De Prinses en de Kikker

Country: United States

Directed by: Ron Clements and John Musker

Stars: Anika Noni Rose, Keith David and Jenifer Lewis

IMDb score: 7,2 (175.175)

Releasedate: 8 December 2009

The Princess and the Frog plot

"Every love story begins with a kiss..."

Tiana is a young black girl who grew up in the famous and infamous French Quarter in New Orleans, the birthplace of jazz. Amid this bustling environment, she becomes involved in an adventure that transforms her into a true princess through voodoo, Cajun customs and music.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Tiana (voice)

Prince Naveen (voice)

Dr. Facilier (voice)

Charlotte (voice)

Ray (voice)

Lawrence (voice)

Mama Odie (voice)

Eudora (voice)

James (voice)

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Fisico (moderator films)

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The princess and the frog has become a fine Disney based on a fairy tale by the brothers Grimm. For the first time also a colored princess, something that caused quite a stir at the time. Bee

Moana has learned some lessons. The discrimination was of course indispensable in the 1920s in the US, especially in New Orleans or Louisiana where the black population had a significant population. The racial differences are logically not brought to the foreground, although in the beginning of the film you did have a clear contrast with the chic, beautiful, stately homes of the whites versus the shabby shacks of the black population.

The first part is beautiful with atmospheric New Orleans. Too bad this wasn't extended with the duller jungle setting. The story is also beautiful, in which hope, perseverance and optimism are central to the American Dream principle. At times also quite scary with that voodoo and very beautiful scary shadows. The shadow man is a somewhat one-dimensional character, but for the little ones, too much depth should not be put into it. The nice music tops it off, making this The princess and the frog a successful viewing experience with the children.

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“Like I told y'all, kissing a princess breaks the spell.”

Nice animation movie. The Princess and the Frog has a somewhat predictable course, but the film exudes so much fun and spontaneity that there is much to enjoy. The voice actors are also strong, and especially lead actors Rose and Prince Naveen have a nice chemistry. The animation also looks good, and that the story is somewhat predictable didn't bother for a moment.

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57 down, one more to go and then I'll have seen all the Disney classics. And this was a positive surprise, after a decade of not exactly consistently high quality from Disney. The Princess and the Frog feels old-fashioned, mainly in a very positive sense. With a fairy tale and a princess of course, but there is nothing wrong with that in itself. But I also had a great time in terms of setting and location, in terms of animation, and in terms of bad guy. In The Princess and the Frog we go to the deep south of the US, to New Orleans and the bayous of Louisiana, which I have a soft spot for anyway. That food, delicious. Of course there are again the necessary talking animals and sidekicks, but they are quite okay, with Ray the firefly and that big clunky jazz alligator. And of course, all kinds of local cultural references pass by, but that also works well here. Prominent roles for the music, the food, the swamps, some cajun hillbillies, southern belles, alligators, voodoo, the typical cemeteries, Mardi Gras, it's all there.

A lot of great music comes along, and as befits a Disney some songs, but not those sentimental, quasi-profound dragons. The Louisiana setting is also perfect for a pretty good villain, voodoo priest Dr. Facilier whose black magic sometimes gives a nice dark tone to the film. Of course the story itself remains somewhat predictable, but a moan who pays attention to that. This was for me, against the odds, an old-fashioned good Disney.

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