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The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (1973)

Adventure | 105 minutes
3,17 121 votes

Genre: Adventure / Fantasy

Duration: 105 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: Gordon Hessler

Stars: John Phillip Law, Caroline Munro and Tom Baker

IMDb score: 6,8 (10.998)

Releasedate: 20 December 1973

The Golden Voyage of Sinbad plot

"Sinbad battles the creatures of legend in the miracle of Dynarama!"

Sinbad and his crew acquire a golden amulet. That same night, Sinbad has a dream about a man in black and a woman with an eye on her hand. When he lands soon after, he encounters Koura, a dark magician. Koura claims the amulet is his and wants it back at any cost. Sinbad flees into a nearby town. There he meets the visor who also has a golden amulet. The two amulets fit together. Added together with a third part, they indicate the place where rests a treasure of untold value.

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  • 2532 messages
  • 1328 votes

Entertaining fantasy film with a fairly predictable progression. Didn't know that several films were made in this series. Must say for that time the computer animations are quite acceptable. That little dragon in particular is beautifully made. But also the creaking wooden figurehead that comes to life or the Goddess with six arms and swords.

As mentioned, the film is sometimes a bit too hasty. The missing amulets must be found to break the magic curse. Beautifully made film with a reasonable image on Blu-ray that is sometimes very beautiful with full colors but sometimes also with noise. Sharpness is acceptable.

Most actors are heavens. The busty woman and that young boy are still among us.

Movie 3.5

Image 3.5

Sound 3.5

Extras 3.0

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Nice film in which captain Sinbad comes into possession of part of a special amulet. Even though the film has virtually no introduction, it still takes a little too long before the adventure actually begins. Furthermore, the pace could also have been a bit faster. The scenes with Ray Harryhausen's creations are the best moments of the film.

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  • 645 messages
  • 469 votes

Excellent adventure film about the adventures of Sinbad with the beautiful Margiana at his side who gets into trouble with Prince Koura. The story is well told, the cast including John Phillip Law, the beautiful Caroline Munro and the bad guy Tom Baker plays well and the location and the stop-motion of Ray Harryhausen also make this a fun film.

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