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Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger (1977)

Action | 113 minutes
2,84 55 votes

Genre: Action / Adventure

Duration: 113 minuten

Alternative titles: Sinbad en het Oog van de Tijger / Sinbad at the World's End

Country: United Kingdom / United States

Directed by: Sam Wanamaker

Stars: Patrick Wayne, Taryn Power and Jane Seymour

IMDb score: 6,4 (8.960)

Releasedate: 15 July 1977

Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger plot

"Sinbad! The greatest of all adventurers in his biggest adventure of all!"

Sinbad must bring the baboon-enchanted Prince Kassim to the land of the Ademaspai. Together with his crew and the prince's sister, Princess Farah, he sets out. There is an urgent need for the prince to turn back into a human before his coronation takes place. Along the way, he must battle the evil witch Zenobia and her son Rafi.

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Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger is the third Sinbad film in which Ray Harryhausen provided the special effects. Unfortunately, this film cannot match The Golden Voyage of Sinbad from 1974 and The 7th Voyage of Sinbad from 1958. In all three films, Sinbad is played by a different actor. Patrick Wayne does a good job in this film and plays a good Sinbad. However, the story is mediocre and Margaret Whiting is greatly exaggerated in her role as an evil sorceress. Harryhausen's effects are also extremely dated and not much better than in his first films. The best effect in the film is Jane Seymour who looked beautiful in her younger years. The locations of Jordan, Spain and Malta are also impressive.

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Nice adventure film starring Patrick Wayne, the son of John Wayne, as Sinbad, Jane Seymour as Princess Farah and Margaret Whiting as Zenobia. The story is not much but is very entertaining just like the beautiful locations and Ray Harryhausen's creations, just great to see if only for Jane Seymour

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