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The A-Team (2010)

Adventure | 117 minutes / 133 minutes (extended cut)
3,08 2.147 votes

Genre: Adventure / Action

Duration: 117 minuten / 133 minuten (extended cut)

Alternative title: The A Team

Country: United States

Directed by: Joe Carnahan

Stars: Bradley Cooper, Liam Neeson and Sharlto Copley

IMDb score: 6,7 (272.154)

Releasedate: 9 June 2010

The A-Team plot

"There Is No Plan B"

A group of Iraq veterans is on the run from the US military. Known as 'The A-Team', this group is trying to clear their name as soon as possible because they are falsely labeled as dangerous criminals. They are charged with a serious crime they did not commit.

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John „Hannibal“ Smith

"Howling Mad" Murdock

Bosco "BA" Baracus

Templeton "Faceman" Peck

Charisa Sosa

General Morrison

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“I love it when a plan comes together.”

Great remake of the old series about The A-Team. I grew up with Hannibal, Face, Murdock and BA Baracus and I've seen the episodes I don't know how many times. All elements are again in this film and that makes it a nice viewing experience. The action is certainly good and all registers are pulled out. Some scenes are too ridiculous for words but it is brought with the necessary humor, so that it does not disturb for a moment.

Neeson, Cooper, Copley and Jackson are doing well but I didn't feel that real chemistry that the old actors had. Cooper as Face and Copley as Murdock were at their best and are clearly enjoying their roles. Biel also has a nice supporting role and Wilson can play the bad guy more often, because he does it well. The A-Team is certainly not a high-flyer, but as a dazzling action film with a lot of humor it is certainly successful.

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The cast shows how half-baked this remake of the - especially in the Netherlands - popular television series The A-Team is. Neeson and Cooper are ideally cast as team leader Hannibal Smith and the ultra-charming Face respectively, but Quinton 'Rampage' Jackson (as brawn and driver BA) and Sharlto Copley (as the crazy helicopter pilot Murdock) are completely unknown and Copley's role is particularly impressive. to be called ungrateful. However, the entire cast is saddled with a script that suggests that its writers have never seen an episode of the series. The outlawed ex-soldiers/mercenaries who used to stand up for good citizens now join the country on the condition that they are given a chance for formal rehabilitation after the mission. A lot of explosions and violence, but the principle that the men never kill anyone is quickly thrown overboard. No wonder the fans of yesteryear were certainly not enthusiastic about this.

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The A-Team will feel to many as a far cry from the series. To some extent this is so. But it's also a bit like comparing apples to oranges. If you're going to appreciate this as a movie in itself, then it's a great action movie with a dose of bland humor. That's fine!

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