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Timeline (2003)

Action | 116 minutes
2,65 696 votes

Genre: Action / Adventure

Duration: 116 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Richard Donner

Stars: Paul Walker, Frances O'Connor and Gerard Butler

IMDb score: 5,6 (67.098)

Releasedate: 26 November 2003

Timeline plot

"They had to travel into the past to save the future"

Four archeology students work at a medieval site in France. When their professor mysteriously disappears, they are brought back to the US by a strange company. The director of this company talks about an invention that allows people to travel to other dimensions and time periods. It turns out that the professor got stuck at the archaeological site, but more than 600 years earlier.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Chris Johnston

Andre Marek

Professor E.A. Johnston

Robert Doniger

Lady Claire

Frank Gordon

Steven Kramer

Josh Stern

Lord Oliver

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No idea what it was, but basically everything about this film seemed uninspired and cheap. Visually very dull, the actors who barely felt like it, a somewhat silly time travel (oh no, wormhole!) story and especially a lot of knights and such.

It's that during the siege there was a single nice scene in between, because otherwise it's all very poor. Starts with the switch from the archeology intro to the actual plot, where a 180° in plot is completed in just 5 minutes, without too much surprise on the part of those involved.

It also takes quite a while, while it is still a very simple story. Donner really doesn't like it at all, clearly not his type of film. A young Walker and Butler can't change that.


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In terms of budget and acting, it looks like a TV movie and not a movie made for the big screen. However, the story is entertaining enough to give it more than 3 stars, but the acting does undermine that score. A film where you have to enjoy the sci-fi story, which is about time travel to the Middle Ages, and not much care about the rest. Shame about the poor acting. 2.5*

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Black Eagle

  • 26 messages
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Not too good.

The time travel story is quite nice if you like history and archaeology. But for the average viewer it's a mediocre film that could have been a lot more given the budget of $80 million, where you can't tell from anything (if all is well the scenes were shot in medieval France in the Czech Republic). The first 20-30 are cringe-inducing and cheap. Only the lab looked deserving. I do not agree that it is a TV movie as some above claim. It wasn't that bad after all. The ending with the attack on the castle was fine, the tension was there and despite the (perhaps too) long playing time, it looks pretty good. The moments when they went back in time looked quite strange with mediocre acting. Paul Walker was still a mediocre actor at the time despite his breakthrough with The Fast & The Furious a few years earlier.
Tight enough.


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